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Fulcrum Worldwide

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Fulcrum Worldwide

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Interview Question

SQL Server Developer Interview


Fulcrum Worldwide

what is materialized view and why it is required?what is pivot? when to use the non-clustered index and when to use clustered one.what will you do if your database is growing out of size?how to optimize the query or stored proc? how to read execution plan and what steps to take on it? write query which can add row number column for a table? what is partition? diff between temp table and temp table variable? scope of global variable? there are two tables both have only one column which accepts null, both table have 5 rows as 1,1,1,1,null. how many rows will come for inner join, left, right, union and union all on these two tables.(try this on SSMS)? High level design for employee, tasks and timesheet scenario etc

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