Pharmacist Salaries in Los Gatos, CA

Updated 10 Feb 2024
Base Pay Range
US$115K - US$155K/yr
Average Base Pay

26,663 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
AverageUS$11,027RangeUS$8,270 - US$15,438
The average salary for Pharmacist is US$144,194 per year in the Los Gatos, CA. The average additional cash compensation for a Pharmacist in the Los Gatos, CA is US$11,027, with a range from US$8,270 - US$15,438. Salaries estimates are based on 26663 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Pharmacist employees in Los Gatos, CA.
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Salaries in Los Gatos, CA



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Pharmacist - Hourly


Range: US$59 - US$85
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US$59 - US$85 Range

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Pharmacist in Los Gatos, CA Salaries

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Pharmacist salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedLos Gatos, CA/hr
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Frequently asked questions about a Pharmacist salaries

The average salary for a Pharmacist is US$144,194 per year in Los Gatos, CA. Salaries estimates are based on 26663 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Pharmacist employees in Los Gatos, CA.

The highest salary for a Pharmacist in Los Gatos, CA is US$169,998 per year.

The lowest salary for a Pharmacist in Los Gatos, CA is US$123,005 per year.

Pharmacists are highly compensated, often earning six-figure salaries. This pay level reflects both the advanced degrees required for their work and the rising demand for healthcare workers of all specialties. Pharmacist pay is expected to only grow over the next decade, as an aging American population and increasing prevalence of chronic illnesses drives demand for prescription medications. Pharmacists who work for hospitals or ambulatory healthcare providers typically earn slightly higher pay than pharmacists who work for drug stores.

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Based on anonymous Glassdoor ratings, about 67% of pharmacists are satisfied with their yearly earnings. Two or more years of experience, an advanced degree, and an additional $11,027.01 in potential pay each year can lead to a good salary as a pharmacist.

As a pharmacist, your total pay can range from $106,744.32 to $196,897.45, depending on experience. Following the average career path of a pharmacist, expect an estimated total pay of $144,193.88 after establishing yourself in the field. Earning a master's degree or special certification in the field can lead to earning a higher salary as a pharmacist.

If you're wondering how to see an increase in salary throughout your career as a pharmacist, consider earning an advanced degree, such as a master's, or becoming certified in a specialized area of the health care industry. Look for internships to develop in-demand skills while enrolled in a degree program to help your resume stand out. If you aren't interested in more education, find an entry-level position once you've completed a bachelor's degree and work your way up the ranks. At least two years of experience can help you advance to the next seniority level at each stage of your career.

If you aren't satisfied with your salary as a pharmacist, whether it be an initial offer or the pay in your current position, there are effective methods you can use to negotiate a higher salary. Start by researching what other pharmacists jobs in your area are paying and develop a salary range to present during the negotiation. Stay confident and ask the employer how they calculated the number for the current offer to understand if it's a hard cap. You can also ask what raises or promotions are available over time to get an idea of how your salary will evolve as you gain experience.

About 67.37% of Pharmacist professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $11,027 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Pharmacist in Los Gatos, CA as a good salary.

Pharmacist professionals in Los Gatos, CA have a wide total pay range, between $106,744 and $196,897 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $144,194 following the average career path of a Pharmacist.





Los Gatos