Assistant Buyer Salaries in Morgantown, WV

Updated 10 Feb 2024
Base Pay Range
US$41K - US$66K/yr
Average Base Pay

6,742 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
AverageUS$8,448RangeUS$6,336 - US$11,828
The average salary for Assistant Buyer is US$60,891 per year in the Morgantown, WV. The average additional cash compensation for a Assistant Buyer in the Morgantown, WV is US$8,448, with a range from US$6,336 - US$11,828. Salaries estimates are based on 6742 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Assistant Buyer employees in Morgantown, WV.
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What is the salary trajectory for a Assistant Buyer?

in Morgantown, WV

US$60,891 /yr
Assistant Buyer
US$58,671 /yr
Buyer I
US$99,477 /yr
Buyer IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Assistant Buyer?

Job titleSalary
Assistant BuyerUS$60,891 /yr
Buyer IUS$58,671 /yr
Buyer IVUS$99,477 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Assistant Buyer?



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What is the salary trajectory for a Assistant Buyer?

in Morgantown, WV

US$60,891 /yr
Assistant Buyer
US$58,671 /yr
Buyer I
US$99,477 /yr
Buyer IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Assistant Buyer?

Job titleSalary
Assistant BuyerUS$60,891 /yr
Buyer IUS$58,671 /yr
Buyer IVUS$99,477 /yr

Salaries in Morgantown, WV



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Average Base Salary in (USD)




Assistant Buyer


Range: US$36K - US$49K
2 salaries
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US$36,246 - US$49,455 Range

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Assistant Buyer in Morgantown, WV Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Assistant Buyer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedMorgantown, WV/yr
Viewing 1 - 1 of 1

Frequently asked questions about an Assistant Buyer salaries

The average salary for an Assistant Buyer is US$60,891 per year in Morgantown, WV. Salaries estimates are based on 6742 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by an Assistant Buyer employees in Morgantown, WV.

The highest salary for an Assistant Buyer in Morgantown, WV is US$78,145 per year.

The lowest salary for an Assistant Buyer in Morgantown, WV is US$47,807 per year.

Assistant buyers can potentially earn an additional $8,448.43 every year through bonuses and profit sharing. Their salary can be increased through certification and additional experience. Across industries, about 66% of assistant buyers feel satisfied with their current salaries, according to Glassdoor data.

Assistant buyer salary increases over time as you learn the ins and outs of your chosen industry, work with more clients, and improve in-demand skills. Following the average assistant buyer career path, the salary range falls between $38,479.63 and $97,363.59, with average professionals earning a salary of $52,442.95. After proving your value, you can work your way up to a buyer role.

Buyers work in an assortment of industries, from manufacturing to fashion, retail, government, and agriculture. You can maximize your salary as an assistant buyer by working in an in-demand, high-paying industry — this varies widely by location. Agriculture is more profitable in rural Kansas than it is in NYC, for instance, where fashion and retail pay significantly higher. Always factor in how industry and location affect your assistant buyer salary. Practice your negotiation skills through internships or part-time roles; you can hone these outside the job and they'll improve your buying abilities tenfold. Analyzing product quality, pricing, cost reduction measures, and delivery options are also vital skills to improve.

You're more likely to earn a better assistant buyer salary with more experience. Assistant buyer roles require working closely with clients using industry-specific knowledge and skills, so after a job offer, it's on you to prove that you possess above-average abilities. This is an excellent way to show off your research, strategy, persuasion, and negotiation skills, which are all vital to assistant buyer roles. If you're bargaining for a raise (go for 10 to 15%), factor in the clients you've worked with in the past year and any milestones you've achieved. Bring data to back up your case.

About 66.09% of Assistant Buyer professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $8,448 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of an Assistant Buyer in Morgantown, WV as a good salary.

Assistant Buyer professionals in Morgantown, WV have a wide total pay range, between $38,480 and $97,364 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $60,891 following the average career path of an Assistant Buyer.



assistant buyer

