Java Developer Salaries in Mount Holly, NJ

Updated 10 Feb 2024
Base Pay Range
US$85K - US$115K/yr
Average Base Pay

13,903 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
AverageUS$19,629RangeUS$14,722 - US$27,481
The average salary for Java Developer is US$118,931 per year in the Mount Holly, NJ. The average additional cash compensation for a Java Developer in the Mount Holly, NJ is US$19,629, with a range from US$14,722 - US$27,481. Salaries estimates are based on 13903 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Java Developer employees in Mount Holly, NJ.
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What is the salary trajectory for a Java Developer?

in Mount Holly, NJ

US$118,931 /yr
Java Developer
US$99,339 /yr
Java Developer I
US$154,523 /yr
Java Developer IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Java Developer?

Job titleSalary
Java DeveloperUS$118,931 /yr
Java Developer IUS$99,339 /yr
Java Developer IVUS$154,523 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Java Developer?

Java Developer Fresher


per year

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Java/J2EE Developer


per year

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Java Software Developer


per year

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Junior Java Developer


per year

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What is the salary trajectory for a Java Developer?

in Mount Holly, NJ

US$118,931 /yr
Java Developer
US$99,339 /yr
Java Developer I
US$154,523 /yr
Java Developer IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Java Developer?

Job titleSalary
Java DeveloperUS$118,931 /yr
Java Developer IUS$99,339 /yr
Java Developer IVUS$154,523 /yr

Salaries in Mount Holly, NJ



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Java Developer


Range: US$90K - US$135K
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US$89,805 - US$135,077 Range

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Java Developer in Mount Holly, NJ Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Java Developer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedMount Holly, NJ/yr
Viewing 1 - 1 of 1

Frequently asked questions about a Java Developer salaries

The average salary for a Java Developer is US$118,931 per year in Mount Holly, NJ. Salaries estimates are based on 13903 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Java Developer employees in Mount Holly, NJ.

The highest salary for a Java Developer in Mount Holly, NJ is US$142,815 per year.

The lowest salary for a Java Developer in Mount Holly, NJ is US$100,220 per year.

Java developers are paid well above average, often receiving six-figure salaries. The pay range reflects the demand for their skillset and the profitability of the products they develop. Candidates with prior experience in the field or higher levels of education generally receive higher salaries. Pay is expected to grow as the digital transformation reaches a global level. Java developers can further increase their total pay by pursuing freelance consulting opportunities.

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According to data from anonymous Glassdoor ratings, around 74% of Java developers feel satisfied with their salaries. Having an advanced degree or years of experience as a Java developer can result in an increased salary, as can bonuses and incentive programs.

Depending on your level of experience as a Java developer, your total pay may range between $86,116.23 and $167,871.17. Following the average career path of a Java developer, the average total pay for Java developers is $118,930.64. To increase your earning potential, you can apply for senior Java developer jobs after mastering job-related skills and gaining enough experience.

If you'd like to make more money as a Java developer, consider earning an advanced degree such as a Master of Science in software development, computer information systems, or computing and technology. There are additional certifications that may also help Java developers to earn higher salaries. Examples of these include Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer, Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer, Spring Professional Certification, Apache Spark Developer Certification, and Professional Scrum Master Certification. All of these additional qualifications, as well as increased experience, can help Java developers to make more money.

Know your potential market rate before going into a job interview or salary negotiation. Search through Java developer listings on Glassdoor to find out what the average developer in your area is earning, and speak to other developers to find your potential market rate. Show the ROI on applications that you've previously built to demonstrate how they helped save the company money or drive revenue. Having proof that your applications have helped your current company or previous company will put you in a strong position during salary negotiations. Make sure that your certifications are up-to-date with current technology trends and provide proof of your certifications.

About 74.00% of Java Developer professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $19,629 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Java Developer in Mount Holly, NJ as a good salary.

Java Developer professionals in Mount Holly, NJ have a wide total pay range, between $86,116 and $167,871 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $118,931 following the average career path of a Java Developer.



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Mount Holly