IT Technician Salaries in Sugar Land, TX

Updated 10 Feb 2024
Base Pay Range
US$38K - US$61K/yr
Average Base Pay

7,931 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
AverageUS$7,217RangeUS$5,412 - US$10,103
The average salary for IT Technician is US$55,399 per year in the Sugar Land, TX. The average additional cash compensation for a IT Technician in the Sugar Land, TX is US$7,217, with a range from US$5,412 - US$10,103. Salaries estimates are based on 7931 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by IT Technician employees in Sugar Land, TX.
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Salaries in Sugar Land, TX



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Average Base Salary in (USD)


J-Tech Digital

J-Tech Digital

IT Technician


Range: US$34K - US$49K
1 salaries
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US$33,860 - US$49,057 Range



IT Technician - Hourly


Range: US$19 - US$28
1 salaries
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US$19 - US$28 Range

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It Technician in Sugar Land, TX Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
IT Technician salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedSugar Land, TX/yr
IT Technician salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedSugar Land, TX/hr
Viewing 1 - 1 of 1

Frequently asked questions about an IT Technician salaries

The average salary for an IT Technician is US$55,399 per year in Sugar Land, TX. Salaries estimates are based on 7928 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by an IT Technician employees in Sugar Land, TX.

The highest salary for an IT Technician in Sugar Land, TX is US$71,397 per year.

The lowest salary for an IT Technician in Sugar Land, TX is US$43,288 per year.

Anonymous employees reveal that 85% of IT technicians are happy with the salary that they make. If you want your salary to qualify as a good one, additional pay of approximately $7,216.56 per year, a degree, and significant experience may help.

The amount that IT technicians make over time depends on education, experience, and the setting in which they work. However, salaries tend to range between $34,689.81 and $89,311.68, with an average of around $48,182.30 if you follow a typical IT tech career path. Bonuses and other types of additional pay can help to bring your yearly pay up to around $55,398.86.

There are a lot of factors in play for an IT technician's salary. First, it's a good idea to get a degree in a related subject, such as a bachelor's or associate's degree in computer science or IT. You should also have a thorough understanding of how computer hardware and software work and how to use different operating systems. You can gain these new skills through online courses, some of which offer certificates. Experience in customer service and working as a team is always useful, as are other soft skills, such as effective communication and a positive approach to solving problems.

Negotiating a higher salary is a skill that requires research and clear communication. First, figure out how much to ask for by browsing IT technician jobs and finding out how much people with your experience level in your general area make. When negotiating for this figure, list out all the reasons you deserve that salary. Good arguments may include your professional successes, certifications you have gained, educational experiences you've had, or simply that you've gained more years of experience since you were hired. Stick to concrete facts during the negotiation.

About 85.00% of IT Technician professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $7,217 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of an IT Technician in Sugar Land, TX as a good salary.

IT Technician professionals in Sugar Land, TX have a wide total pay range, between $34,690 and $89,312 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $55,399 following the average career path of an IT Technician.



it technician


Sugar Land