Financial Advisor Salaries in Sunrise, FL

Updated 10 Feb 2024
Base Pay Range
US$72K - US$124K/yr
Average Base Pay

14,190 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
AverageUS$83,341RangeUS$62,506 - US$116,678
The average salary for Financial Advisor is US$177,604 per year in the Sunrise, FL. The average additional cash compensation for a Financial Advisor in the Sunrise, FL is US$83,341, with a range from US$62,506 - US$116,678. Salaries estimates are based on 14190 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Financial Advisor employees in Sunrise, FL.
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What is the salary trajectory for a Financial Advisor?

in Sunrise, FL

US$177,604 /yr
Financial Advisor
No Salary Reports
Head Financial Advisor
US$198,410 /yr
Senior Financial Advisor
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Financial Advisor?

Job titleSalary
Financial AdvisorUS$177,604 /yr
Head Financial Advisor
Senior Financial AdvisorUS$198,410 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Financial Advisor?

Financial Advisor Associate


per year

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Financial Analyst


per year

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Financial Planner


per year

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Financial Representative


per year

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What is the salary trajectory for a Financial Advisor?

in Sunrise, FL

US$177,604 /yr
Financial Advisor
No Salary Reports
Head Financial Advisor
US$198,410 /yr
Senior Financial Advisor
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Financial Advisor?

Job titleSalary
Financial AdvisorUS$177,604 /yr
Head Financial Advisor
Senior Financial AdvisorUS$198,410 /yr

Salaries in Sunrise, FL



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New Day Financial Solutions

Financial Advisor


Range: US$80K - US$144K
1 salaries
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US$80,463 - US$144,112 Range

New York Life

New York Life

Financial Advisor


Range: US$134K - US$250K
1 salaries
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US$133,916 - US$249,977 Range

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Financial Advisor in Sunrise, FL Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Financial Advisor salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedSunrise, FL/yr
Financial Advisor salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedSunrise, FL/yr
Viewing 1 - 1 of 1

Frequently asked questions about a Financial Advisor salaries

The average salary for a Financial Advisor is US$177,604 per year in Sunrise, FL. Salaries estimates are based on 14190 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Financial Advisor employees in Sunrise, FL.

The highest salary for a Financial Advisor in Sunrise, FL is US$240,220 per year.

The lowest salary for a Financial Advisor in Sunrise, FL is US$134,429 per year.

Pay for financial advisors is similar to pay for financial analysts, budget analysts, and insurance underwriters. It is typically below the pay for investment banking analysts, investment analysts and hedge fund analysts. While a bachelor's degree is the minimum required qualification, a master's degree in a related field such as a mater's degree in business administration (MBA) may allow a financial advisor to attract more clients.

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Among financial advisors, roughly 57% report feeling satisfied with their current salary, according to anonymous ratings left by reviewers on Glassdoor. With a professional degree and experience in the industry, financial advisors can further increase their base salary.

Financial advisor total pay often falls within a broad range, from roughly $104,731.20 to $310,077.64. Compensation varies in this range, depending on the advisor's education, experience, and location. In high-paying areas, a well-qualified financial advisor with an established position may earn an average of $177,604.19 as they advance along the usual financial advisor career path.

Are you working as a financial advisor and looking to make more money? As you advance in your career you may be able to increase your earning potential with a four- or six-year degree in business, finance, or accounting. You might also earn a higher base pay if you have current certification as a CPA, CFP, EA, or other financial professional. Time and increasing seniority also tend to drive up financial advisors' pay rates, as most employers are willing to pay more for the work of an experienced financial professional. You might also transition into a generally higher-paid role as a financial analyst or accounting manager.

Whether you're looking for a new financial advisor job for more money, or you would like to negotiate a raise with your current employer, there are several ways you can boost your leverage at work and increase your base pay. Browse through as many financial advisor jobs as possible, trying to get a good variety of locations and employer types to maximize your options. If you're renegotiating your current salary, draw your employer's attention to the certifications and advanced education you may have earned in the time you've been working there. As a rule, employers are willing to pay financial advisors more with experience and specialist training.

About 56.67% of Financial Advisor professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $83,341 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Financial Advisor in Sunrise, FL as a good salary.

Financial Advisor professionals in Sunrise, FL have a wide total pay range, between $104,731 and $310,078 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $177,604 following the average career path of a Financial Advisor.



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