Software Architect Salaries in Cambridge, England

Updated 17 Apr 2024
Base Pay Range
£68K - £103K/yr
Average Base Pay

19 salaries

No additional cash compensation has been reported for this role

How much does a Software architect make in Cambridge, East of England, England? The average salary for a Software architect is £83,432 in Cambridge, East of England, England. Salaries estimates are based on 19 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Software architect employees in Cambridge, East of England, England.

How accurate is an average base pay range of £68K-£103K/yr?
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What is the salary trajectory for a Software Architect?

in Cambridge, England

£83,432 /yr
Software Architect
£83,432 /yr
Software Architect Senior Director
£95,361 /yr
Lead Software Architect
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Software Architect?

Job titleSalary
Software Architect£83,432 /yr
Software Architect Senior Director£83,432 /yr
Lead Software Architect£95,361 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Software Architect?

Enterprise Architect


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Senior Software Developer


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Software Manager


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Staff Software Engineer


per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs
What is the salary trajectory for a Software Architect?

in Cambridge, England

£83,432 /yr
Software Architect
£83,432 /yr
Software Architect Senior Director
£95,361 /yr
Lead Software Architect
See Full Career Path

View as data table

What is the salary trajectory for a Software Architect?

Job titleSalary
Software Architect£83,432 /yr
Software Architect Senior Director£83,432 /yr
Lead Software Architect£95,361 /yr

Salaries in Cambridge, England



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Average Base Salary in (GBP)




Software Architect


Range: £32K - £154K
13 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£32,000 - £154,000 Range

Anson McCade

Anson McCade

Software Architect


Range: £63K - £83K
11 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£62,500 - £82,500 Range



Software Architect


Range: £26K - £113K
11 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£25,548 - £113,400 Range

Opus Recruitment

Opus Recruitment

Software Architect


Range: £58K - £115K
11 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£57,500 - £115,076 Range



Software Architect - Hourly


Range: £33 - £65
9 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£33 - £65 Range



Software Architect


Range: £37K - £151K
9 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£36,500 - £151,200 Range

Triumph Consultants

Triumph Consultants

Software Architect - Hourly


Range: £24 - £93
7 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£24 - £93 Range

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Spring Professional

Spring Professional

Software Architect - Hourly


Range: £28 - £75
6 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£28 - £75 Range



Software Architect


Range: £61K - £92K
6 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£61,316 - £92,400 Range



Software Architect


Range: £76K - £170K
5 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£76,000 - £170,100 Range



Software Architect


Range: £29K - £29K
5 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£28,500 - £28,500 Range

Concept Resourcing

Concept Resourcing

Software Architect


Range: £63K - £83K
5 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£63,333 - £82,500 Range

Fasthosts Internet

Fasthosts Internet

Software Architect


Range: £58K - £75K
5 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£58,000 - £75,000 Range

People Source Consulting

People Source Consulting

Software Architect


Range: £53K - £153K
5 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£53,333 - £153,300 Range

Talent International

Talent International

Software Architect - Hourly


Range: £26 - £75
5 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£26 - £75 Range

Oliver James

Oliver James

Software Architect


Range: £45K - £85K
5 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£45,000 - £85,000 Range

Additional Resources

Additional Resources

Software Architect


Range: £95K - £109K
5 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£95,000 - £108,548 Range

BT Group

BT Group

Software Architect


Range: £51K - £64K
4 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£51,000 - £64,000 Range

Intec Select

Intec Select

Software Architect


Range: £70K - £88K
4 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£70,000 - £87,500 Range

Cognizant Technology Solutions

Cognizant Technology Solutions

Software Architect


Range: £50K - £78K
4 salaries
See 4,731 salaries from all locations



£50,000 - £77,500 Range

View as data table

Software Architect in Cambridge, England Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/yr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/yr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/yr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/yr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/hr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/yr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/hr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/hr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/yr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/yr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/yr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/yr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/yr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/yr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/hr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/yr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/yr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/yr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/yr
Software Architect salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedCambridge, England/yr
Viewing 1 - 10 of 440

Frequently asked questions about a Software Architect salaries

The average salary for a Software Architect is £83,432 per year in Cambridge, England. Salaries estimates are based on 19 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Software Architect employees in Cambridge, England.

The highest salary for a Software Architect in Cambridge, England is £102,839 per year.

The lowest salary for a Software Architect in Cambridge, England is £67,687 per year.

Software architects earn salaries that are on average close to six-figures. Entry-level employees also earn well over the national average salary. With experience and seniority, candidates can earn into six figures. This reflects the specialist, technical nature of their role, as well as the relatively high educational barriers to entry. Those based in London typically earn the highest salaries, and software architects are usually more in demand in major cities where technology companies are based.

To make more money during your software architect career, consider a master's degree in software engineering or a related field. This will demonstrate your commitment to your career and expand your knowledge, making you a more valuable asset to employers. It's also important to obtain certifications in relevant programming languages and systems, such as AWS, Java, and MS SQL Server. Staying up-to-date with industry developments is crucial, as employers often require expertise in the latest software. Gaining five to seven years of experience in the field can lead to senior positions with higher salaries. Taking on large-scale projects is also a great way to gain valuable experience and make yourself stand out to potential employers.

Highlight your qualifications and certifications during your software architect job interview. If you have a master's degree or doctorate, note that you're part of the minority that advanced beyond a bachelor's degree. Mention your years of experience, particularly if this is significant. Similarly, highlight your certifications in different fields, like software frameworks and cloud computing. Focus on the certifications relevant to your specific software architect job, and prepare yourself for in-depth questions about software, systems, and programming languages. If you've taken on senior positions in the past, explain that your experience warrants a higher salary.

About 71.62% of Software Architect professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional £0 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Software Architect in Cambridge, East of England, England as a good salary.

Software Architect professionals in Cambridge, East of England, England have a wide total pay range, between £56,083 and £124,118 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of £83,432 following the average career path of a Software Architect.



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